What Covid-19 Pandemic Has Altered English Teachers Teaching Practice

What Covid-19 Pandemic Has Altered English Teachers Teaching Practice

M. Arif Rahman Hakim; dkk

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On the national teacher s day commemoration May 2 2020 Indonesia s education minister said that during the COVID 19 pandemic it was the right time to innovate in education to improve the quality of education The quality of education at all levels especially in higher education especially for EFL students in mastering English as a medium of education and communication in this 4 0 era will make Indonesian more able to compete in various fields Therefore the editor and contributors made this book to see the actual practice of English Language Teaching for EFL at the elementary high school university and non formal education levels to see the implications of the online learning process applied during the COVID 19 pandemic situation On the national teacher’s day commemoration, May 2 2020, Indonesia’s education minister said that during the COVID-19 pandemic it was the right time to innovate in education to improve the quality of education. The quality of education at all levels, especially in higher education, especially for EFL students in mastering English ...

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