how to conduct compose and publish the classroom action research According to those hypotheses this book is served The CAR as the example in this book was carried out because of some reasons the first because it has been an obligation for the writer as a teacher at that time to do it as a requirement to fulfill to reach IV b level The second because unfortunately the result of the students one basic competence test of the writer taught was unsatisfied The third because of the writer own reason As a teacher of English I myself think that I always use the conventional method of teaching grammar or seldom use the media that closes to the real world like newspaper It was carried out in three months One week to do planning one month to do acting and two months other to write a report It was a bit hard work actually because the time given for each basic competence was insufficient However the result was very satisfied because the score shown and the activeness of the students were improving This book is good for the English teachers or teachers who has capability in English language who dare to be different in composing classroom action research We will be noted specially if we do it My suggestion is compose classroom action research in English then you will see you can elevate to the next level smoothly and easily I do hope this book is useful and going to contribute much to the best of English learning and education quality as well The writer Who Says That Conducting vhow to conduct, compose, and publish the classroom action research. According to those hypotheses, this book is served. The CAR as the example in this book was carried out because of some reasons, the first because it has been an obligation for the writer, as a teacher at that time, to it as a requirement to fulfill to reach IV/b level. The second, because unfortunately, the result of the students one basic competence test of the writer taught was unsatisfied. The third, because of the writer own reason. As a teacher of English, I myself think that I always use the conventional method of teaching grammar or seldom use the media that closes to the real world like newspaper. It was carried out in three months. One week to do planning, one month to do acting, and two months other to write a report. It was a bit hard work actually because the time given for each basic competence was insufficient. However the result was very satisfied because the score shown and the activeness of the students were improving. This book is good for the English teachers or teachers who has capability in English language who dare to be different in composing classroom action research. We will be noted specially if we do it. My suggestion is compose classroom action research in English then you will see you can elevate to the next level smoothly and easily. I do hope, this book is useful and going to contribute much to the best of English learning and education quality as well. The writer Who Says That Conducting, |v