Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science

Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science


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WHY POLITICS MATTERS AN INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE is a full color accessible introduction to Political Science WHY POLITICS MATTERS gives you the building blocks to understand political science and provides a big picture of the field examing Theory Comparative Politics including a look at the U S government and International Relations With current event examples and questions to get you thinking the authors help you apply political thought to political practice The book is engaging conversational and interactive with a special emphasis on why politics matters in your life WHY POLITICS MATTERS is the first and only Introduction to Political Science book offering a fully integrated and customizable online reader COURSEREADER with a full slate of recommended primary source readings compiled by the authors Each COURSEREADER selection is called out in the text alongside the relevant discussion and is accompanied by critical thinking questions to help you apply the reading to your chapter lesson WHY POLITICS MATTERS: AN INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE is a full-color, accessible introduction to Political Science. WHY POLITICS MATTERS gives you the building blocks to understand political science and provides a "big picture" of the field, examing Theory, Comparative Politics, including a look at the U.S. government, and International Relations. With ...

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