Culturas de España

Culturas de España


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Taking a student centered approach to learning CULTURAS DE ESPA A 2e truly engages you with its wealth of authentic texts and visual materials while encouraging you to think critically about the cultures of Spain Unlike traditional texts that present Spanish civilization as a neutral recounting of historical facts events and data CULTURAS DE ESPA A 2e emphasizes that history culture and civilization are concepts under constant construction Its intriguing conceptual focus brings to life the history and everyday experiences that shape national identity The exciting new Second Edition also features vibrant four color inserts and a new specialized companion website Taking a student-centered approach to learning, CULTURAS DE ESPAÑA, 2e truly engages you with its wealth of authentic texts and visual materials while encouraging you to think critically about the cultures of Spain. Unlike traditional texts that present Spanish civilization as a neutral recounting of historical facts, events, and data, CULTURAS ...

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