CONVERSACI N Y REPASO Eleventh Edition is part of a three volume INTERMEDIATE SPANISH series that gives you a thorough review of grammatical structures and helps you communicate with confidence in Spanish You ll find clear easy to understand explanations of grammar topics in plain English that you can follow on your own You ll quickly learn to use and develop reading writing speaking and listening skills through a variety of activities and exercises for conversation Plus the book s many study resources including Heinle iRadio s MP3 ready Spanish language tutorials for pronunciation and grammar will help you succeed in the course CONVERSACIÓN Y REPASO, Eleventh Edition, is part of a three-volume INTERMEDIATE SPANISH series that gives you a thorough review of grammatical structures and helps you communicate with confidence in Spanish. You'll find clear, easy-to-understand explanations of grammar topics in plain English that you can follow on your own. You'll quickly learn use and develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills through a variety of activities and exercises for conversation. Plus, the book's many study resources, including Heinle iRadio's MP3-ready, Spanish-language tutorials for pronunciation and grammar, will help you succeed in the course!