Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program

Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program


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Emphasizing the director s responsibility as a leader of both people and programs in diverse communities DEVELOPING AND ADMINISTERING A CHILD CARE AND EDUCATION PROGRAM Ninth Edition covers the business and interpersonal skills child development professionals need to implement an effective program for young children and their families You ll gain insights that will help you in your early childhood education career whether or not you plan to work in the administrative aspects of the field In this thoroughly updated edition the authors provide practical information on all aspects of directing a program including curriculum selection funding budgeting selecting training and supervising staff housing the program and purchasing equipment working with children and parents accrediting and licensing an early childhood center and carrying out program evaluation and quality improvement strategies Emphasizing the director's responsibility as a leader of both people and programs in diverse communities, DEVELOPING AND ADMINISTERING A CHILD CARE AND EDUCATION PROGRAM, Ninth Edition, covers the business and interpersonal skills child development professionals need to implement an effective program for young children and their families. You'll gain insights that ...

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