Jalan Demokrasi

Jalan Demokrasi

Muhamad Najib

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BAB 1 S Memahami Proses Demokrasi A STATEMENT OFTEN REPEATED NOWADAYS in both scholarly circles and the mass media is that democracy has made great progress throughout the world in a brief period of time In Eastern Europe totalitarian systems have been replaced by democracies in Africa one party systems headed by a strongman who maintains personal control of the state are challenged by opposition forces exploiting newly gained political liberties in Latin America the military dictatorships have crumbled in many Asian countries authoritarian systems are moving or being forced to move in a democratic direction George Sorensen58 Kerangka teoritis yang ditawarkan Juan J Linz dan Alfred Stepan terkait proses demokratisasi yang mengenalkan istilah transisi demokrasi dan konsolidasi demokrasi akan dijadikan acuan utama selain teori gelombang demokrasi dari Huntington 58 George Sorensen Democracy and Democratization Processes and Prospects in a Changing World Denmark Westview Press 2008 h 1 1BAB 1 S Memahami Proses Demokrasi A STATEMENT OFTEN REPEATED NOWADAYS, in both scholarly circles and the mass media, is that democracy has made great progress throughout the world in a brief period of time. In Eastern Europe, totalitarian systems have been replaced by democracies; in Africa, one party systems headed ...

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