Milady Standard Haircutting System, Spiral bound Version

Milady Standard Haircutting System, Spiral bound Version


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The Milady Standard Haircutting System is a formalized system designed to make learning the foundational principles of haircutting easier while ensuring a solid understanding of the technical and creative aspects of haircutting that will set students up for success throughout their career The system teaches fifteen haircuts each delivered via brief segmented pieces of content that allow for the information to be easily understood and retained It then builds and strengthens the skills that are presented by means of repetition revision and exploration The system also provides students with a conceptual understanding of the components involved teaching them to clearly communicate their creative ideas to their guests and the ability to adapt the learned techniques to ensure their approach to each individual patron will yield equally successful results The Milady Standard Haircutting System is a formalized system designed to make learning the foundational principles of haircutting easier, while ensuring a solid understanding of the technical and creative aspects of haircutting that will set students up for success throughout their career. The system teaches fifteen haircuts, each delivered via brief, segmented ...

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