Miss Regies Book 1 26 Letters This book is made to introduce 26 letters names and sounds for young learners Age 3 4 year old with attractive pictures Young learners can recognize and practice to write 26 letters of alphabet before they proceed to learn the sounds of the letters combinations It also introduces young learners with capital letters or upper case letters and lower case letters with 3 steps on writing tracing copying and finally writing independently The varied and interesting activities in this book provide opportunities for young learners to develop and strengthen their writing and reading skills in their golden age Regina Ganardi Miss Regies Book 1 26 Letters iiiMiss Regies Book 1 (26 Letters) This book is made to introduce 26 letters names and sounds for young learners (Age 3-4-year-old) with attractive pictures. Young learners can recognize and practice to write 26 letters of alphabet before they proceed to learn the sounds of the letters combinations. It also introduces ...young learners with capital letters or upper-case letters and lower-case letters with 3 steps on writing; tracing, copying, and finally writing independently. The varied and interesting activities in this book provide opportunities for young learners to develop and strengthen their writing and reading skills in their golden age. Regina Ganardi Miss Regies Book 1 (26 Letters) | iii