Miss Regie's Book 2 Three Letter Words

Miss Regie's Book 2 Three Letter Words

Regina Ganardi

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Foreword A fter the young learners learn about 26 of letters names and sounds the next step is learning about three letter words This book is made to introduce young learners age 4 5 year old how to read and write three letter words easily with very attractive pictures There are 3 steps to learn three letter words first step is recognizing and practicing beginning sounds second step is recognizing and practicing middle and ending sounds sounds of letters combinations and the third step is practicing to read andwrite three letter words The varied and interesting activities in this book provide opportunities for young learners to develop and strengthen their writing and reading skills in their golden age Regina Ganardi Miss Regies Book 2 Three Letter Words iiiForeword A fter the young learners learn about 26 of letters names and sounds, the next step is learning about three letter words. This book is made to introduce young learners (age 4-5-year-old) how to read and write three letter words easily with very attractive pictures There are 3 steps to ...

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