

Afifah Al Rosyiidah, S.S., M.Pd.

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Morphology studies how words are formed and varied It studies the relationship between morphemes and how morphemes can be put together to create new words or new forms of the stem word By teaching Morphology we teach our students how to use the language properly This book comes to support this aim This book is divided into 11 units in which every unit has different topic This book contains the materials starting from Unit 1 What is Morphology Unit 2 Words Sentences and Dictionaries Unit 3 A Word and Its Parts Unit 4 A Word and Its Forms Unit 5 A word and its relative derivation Unit 6 Lexeme Formations Unit 7 Compound words blends and phrasal words Unit 8 A Word and Its Structure Unit 9 Productivity Unit 10 Words and Sentences The Interface between Morphology and Syntax Unit 11 Sounds and Shapes The Interface between Morphology and Phonology Morphology studies how words are formed and varied. It studies the relationship between morphemes, and how morphemes can be put together to create new words, or new forms of the stem word. By teaching Morphology, we teach our students how to use the language properly. This book comes to support this ...

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