Nandi and the Tigers

Nandi and the Tigers

Julie Sormark

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Deskripsi Buku

A boy gives a pack of tigers his clothes in exchange for his life The tigers fight over who is the most handsome and turn themselves into butter The boy collects his clothes and his parents collect the butter and they eat pancakes together Translate Seorang anak laki laki memberikan pakaiannya kepada sekawanan harimau sebagai ganti nyawanya Harimau berebut siapa yang paling tampan dan mengubah dirinya menjadi mentega Anak laki laki itu mengumpulkan pakaiannya dan orang tuanya mengumpulkan mentega dan mereka makan pancake bersama A boy gives a pack of tigers his clothes in exchange for his life. The tigers fight over who is the most handsome and turn themselves into butter. The boy collects his clothes and his parents collect the butter and they eat pancakes together. Translate: (Seorang anak laki-laki memberikan pakaiannya kepada sekawanan ...

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