The Great Big turnip

The Great Big turnip

Julie Sormark

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Deskripsi Buku

A family plants a turnip The turnip grows so big that the whole family and their animals have to work together to pull it out of the ground They enjoy eating the turnip together This book is a Russian folk tale that is told in many different ways Folk tales help us learn about different cultures Translate Sebuah keluarga menanam lobak Lobak tumbuh sangat besar sehingga seluruh keluarga dan hewan harus bekerja sama untuk mencabutnya dari tanah Mereka menikmati makan lobak bersama Buku ini adalah cerita rakyat Rusia yang diceritakan dalam berbagai cara Cerita rakyat membantu kita belajar tentang budaya yang berbeda A family plants a turnip. The turnip grows so big that the whole family and their animals have to work together to pull it out of the ground. They enjoy eating the turnip together. This book is a Russian folk tale that is told in many different ways. Folk tales help ...

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