READING TO LEARN Exploring Various Reading Experiences

READING TO LEARN Exploring Various Reading Experiences

Dzurriyyatun Ni'mah, S.S., M.Pd, dkk.

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The book READING TO LEARN is an intensive reading book purposed to provide learners with various text types reading skills and vocabulary skills Reading passages with different genres will give the learners new experiences to explore the texts related to their interests and improve the awareness of text organization The text types cover biography article short story news article fairy tales descriptive instruction argumentative historical recount and interview equipped with various interesting topics include family teenagers fiction sports history health technology music and social The book “READING TO LEARN” is an intensive reading book purposed to provide learners with various text types, reading skills, and vocabulary skills. Reading passages with different genres will give the learners new experiences to explore the texts related to their interests and improve the awareness of text organization. The text ...

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