The Lady or the Tiger?

The Lady or the Tiger?

Frank R Stockton

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Deskripsi Buku

A powerful king has a special way to hold trials He shows the person on trial two doors which look exactly the same One leads to a tiger and the other leads to a beautiful woman The princess s lover is put on trial and must choose one of the doors What will the princess do Translate Seorang raja yang sakti mempunyai cara khusus untuk mengadakan cobaan Dia menunjukkan kepada orang yang diadili dua pintu yang terlihat persis sama Yang satu mengarah ke seekor harimau dan yang lainnya mengarah ke seorang wanita cantik Kekasih sang putri diadili dan harus memilih salah satu pintu Apa yang akan dilakukan sang putri A powerful king has a special way to hold trials. He shows the person on trial two doors which look exactly the same. One leads to a tiger, and the other leads to a beautiful woman. The princess’s lover is put on trial and must choose one of the doors. What ...

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