The Magical Pear Tree

The Magical Pear Tree

Julie Sormark

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Deskripsi Buku

A pear merchant is selling overpriced pairs so people won t buy them A homeless man gets one pear plants the seeds and a magical pear tree grows The homeless man lets all people eat the pears for free The merchant s pears disappeared and his cart broke because of his greed Translate Seorang pedagang buah pir menjual buah pir dengan harga yang terlalu mahal sehingga orang tidak mau membelinya Seorang tunawisma mendapat satu buah pir menanam bijinya dan pohon pir ajaib tumbuh Tunawisma mengizinkan semua orang memakan buah pir secara gratis Buah pir saudagar itu lenyap dan gerobaknya pecah karena keserakahannya A pear merchant is selling overpriced pairs so people won''t buy them. A homeless man gets one pear, plants the seeds, and a magical pear tree grows. The homeless man lets all people eat the pears for free. The merchant''s pears disappeared and his cart broke because of his greed. Translate: ...

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