The Power of Art, Revised

The Power of Art, Revised


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Compelling and accessible THE POWER OF ART features gorgeous images and themes that connect with today s students and an engaging writing style that s praised by instructors and students alike The revised third edition delivers a brief yet comprehensive survey which demonstrates that art is everywhere and relevant to all students The text incorporates global material reflecting cultural intersections and mutual influences and Art News boxes present real events connecting art to students lives In addition to excellent art history coverage THE POWER OF ART features a diverse mix of artists and spotlights current trends in artistic mediums and themes Now with MindTap this third edition includes robust study and assessment tools such as image flashcards videos interactive ebook and more to bolster student learning Compelling and accessible, THE POWER OF ART features gorgeous images and themes that connect with today''s students and an engaging writing style that''s praised by instructors and students alike. The revised third edition delivers a brief yet comprehensive survey which demonstrates that art is everywhere and relevant to all students. The ...

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