LOOKING FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS Profi le of Universitas Airlangga Journals

LOOKING FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS Profi le of Universitas Airlangga Journals

Hery Purnobasuki

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Deskripsi Buku

We welcome manuscripts from all scholarly community including researchers experts and practitioners in the fi elds of Medicine Dentistry Art and Humanities Business management and accounting Economics and Finance Chemistry Mathematics Veterinary Agricultural and Biological Science Nursing Science and Technology Environmental Science Health Science Social Science Law Multidisciplinary Psychology and Pharmacology We also are open forcollaborations in journal development to raise the better quality of journals and research in various disciplines We introduce this journal catalog to give easier access to our journals to all research communities Using this catalog to disseminate profi les and updates of our journals we hope to see brighter research opportunities in the fi elds of applied sciences and basic ones in the future We welcome manuscripts from all scholarly community including researchers, experts, and practitioners in the fi elds of Medicine, Dentistry, Art and Humanities, Business, management and accounting, Economics and Finance, Chemistry, Mathematics, Veterinary, Agricultural, and Biological Science, Nursing, Science and Technology, Environmental Science, Health Science, Social Science, Law, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, and Pharmacology. We also are open forcollaborations in journal ...

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