

William Boyes; Michael Melvin

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Gain a solid global understanding of basic macroeconomic principles and examine the latest thinking on important macroeconomic phenomena with Boyes Melvin s MACROECONOMICS 10E The latest edition of this popular text clearly illustrates the connections between key macroeconomic principles and today s actual business practices using a reader friendly approach carefully integrated learning features memorable examples and unique global emphasis Timely revisions and the latest macroeconomic statistics and developments help emphasize fundamental principles and the practical application of macroeconomic concepts to current events Solid macroeconomics coverage highlights the recent financial crisis and its global implications You also gain an in depth understanding of globalization and its impact on economic growth and poverty Cutting edge learning technology and a full range of supplements including the world leading Aplia homework system MindTap Personalized Learning Experience and an integrated eReader help clarify key economic concepts and equip you with the macroeconomic understanding you need for success in business today Gain a solid global understanding of basic macroeconomic principles and examine the latest thinking on important macroeconomic phenomena with Boyes/Melvin's MACROECONOMICS, 10E. The latest edition of this popular text clearly illustrates the connections between key macroeconomic principles and today's actual business practices using a reader-friendly approach, carefully integrated learning features, memorable ...

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